
Neighborhood News
     Nominations are open for the Stoneridge Wells Branch POA Board of Directors.  See information on the Member's only page.
     Remember to place all waste bins, trash and recycling, out of view from the street, curb, and sidewalk.  Enforcement begins January 1st.
Management Company Contact:   
Stoneridge Wells Branch POA
c/o CSA Management, Inc.
9011 Mountain Ridge Dr. Ste 200
Austin, TX  78759-7251
Contact them regarding your annual assessments.  The POA Board has no information about individual assessments.
Annual Meeting, May 13, 2025
The POA Annual Meeting will be held in May.  The Nominations Committee is taking nominations.  See the member's page for details.  All homeowners may cast one vote per property address.
General Information
Welcome to Stoneridge Wells Branch Property Owners Association!  Located on the northern boundary of Austin, Texas in Travis County, our neighborhood consists of 132 single-family homes plus 3 small green space lots. 
Stoneridge is part of the Wells Branch Municipal Utility District (MUD), a planned community of more than 6200 households that features an extensive park system, miles of walking trails, two pools, tennis courts, a wonderful library, athletic fields, a recreation center, and much more. Stoneridge sits on the eastern side of Wells Branch with walking trails and a butterfly garden to the south and adjacent to the the local library on the northern edge.
Members of the community can be seen walking or biking through the neighborhood, enjoying the parks and playgrounds, and participating in numerous scheduled celebrations and activities during the year. Stoneridge is a GREAT place to live!
Property Owner Accounts on this website
All homeowner have accounts. These accounts are NOT connected to the management co. accounts for payment of assessments.  See details on the Members Area page. Please contact stoneridgewb.web@gmail.com if you have questions. We are here to help!
Contact CSA Management for anything related to assessments, fines, covenant enforcement, Architectural Change Requests, etc.  associations@csarealtygroup.com 
  • You can download the instructions/form for Architectural Change Requests from this website, but send the request to CSA Management, Inc. 
  •  Architectural Change Reminder:  ALL changes, updates, repairs, remodeling, additions, installations, painting, roof replacements, fencing replacement, shed changes, green houses, stonework, cement / concrete walkways and driveways, etc. to the exterior of all properties MUST be approved by the Architectural Committee.  The form is available on the website with instructions to submit the form to CSA Management.
Annual meeting and elections
Posted on Jan 22nd, 2025
The 2025 Annual meeting will be held on May 13th.  The Nominations Committee will be handling nominations to the Board of Directors and will count the ballots.  Information is posted on the Member's Only page.  Homeowners will receive a ballot / proxy via U.S. mail or may vote via the website when the notice is sent out.  On paper ballots/ proxies, sign and put your address on the ballot / poxy.  Only one ballot/ proxy per property.  There will be a ballot / proxy drop off in the neighborhood.  More information to come.
Garbage and Recycle Bins
Posted on Apr 29th, 2024
Beginning January 1, 2025, all waste and recycle bins must be completely hidden from street view.  Please walk to the street side of your home and view the area from all street view angles.  No part of the bins should be visible from any view from the street.
Our management company, CSA Realty Group, requested we provide clarification on how to enforce specific components of our CCRs in order to avoid over-enforcement while still remaining within the spirit of the code. 
Article II section 2.05: Rubbish and Debris. 
"2.05   Rubbish and Debris.  No rubbish or debris of any kind shall be placed or permitted to accumulate upon the Property and no odors shall be permitted to arise therefrom so as to render the Property or any portion of it unsanitary, unsightly, offensive or detrimental to any other property or to its occupants.  Refuse, garbage and trash shall be kept at all times in covered containers and such containers shall be kept within enclosed structures or appropriately screened from view."

The Architecture Review Committee has recommended the following clarification of II.2.05 to the Stoneridge POA board who have approved the wording and passed it on to CSA.

"Waste containers, limited to a regular size, must be concealed behind or within a screening fence or a permanent structure (such as a garage or a backyard fence).

Suitable screening is at least as high as the tallest container with a maximum height of existing fencing, and may include, among other options, solid fence slats or wood pickets (with gaps between pickets no wider than the standard spacing of wooden picket fences in the neighborhood). 
Prior approval from the ARC is necessary before installation of screens or construction of any other form. Approval will be granted if the proposed construction adheres to the screening functionality and aesthetic standards outlined in the CCRs."

Enforcement of the clarification will begin January 1, 2025.  Please submit architectural review requests early to ensure time for the committee to review and to get back with homeowners.   
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Payment of Assessments
Posted on Apr 29th, 2024
Assessments are payable to:  Stoneridge c/o CSA Management, Inc.,   9011 Mountain Ridge Dr. #200, Austin, TX 78759  associations@csarealtygroup.com   Their accounts are NOT connected to the POA website.  Look on the Meetings and Information page for a reminder about how to create / log in to your account with CSA Management, Inc,  CSA also receives the Architectural Request forms and will send out CCR violation notices.  On January 1, 2024, the Annual Assessment will be $300. per year.  
New Architectural Change Request form
Posted on Nov 5th, 2023
The new Architectural Change Request form has now been uploaded to this website.  Homeowners also received a copy via email from the CSA Management, Inc.  ARC form, CSA Management, Inc.   Any change to the exterior of the house / property must be approved by the Architectural Committee prior to starting the project.  It may take up to 90 days for approval.  Examples of items needing approval:  painting, fencing, concrete work, masonry work, roof and structural repair, water feature and pool installation and alteration, ...  Always review the Covenants, Conditions, and Rules.