Older Stoneridge Wells Branch Newsletters can be found below.
Letter from CSA Management, Inc.: "We would like to welcome you again to the CSA Management family. We are excited for our partnership with the Stoneridge Wells Branch POA community! We look forward to building lasting relationships with residents and providing management services to the Association.
Our office prides itself on our friendly and knowledgeable staff who are available during office hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) to personally take your calls. Additionally, you can contact us with any questions or concerns by email at associations@csarealtygroup.com or by phone at 512-453-6566.
In the event of an emergency during non-office hours, please call (512) 453-6566. We look forward to serving your community in any way possible. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Assessments are currently $20.00 per month and increase to $25.00 per month effective January 1, 2024. If your assessments are automatically paid by bill-pay through your financial institution, you will need to contact them to update your payment information..
Owner Portal (preferred): To view your account online and make payments through the portal, please visit: https://portal.propertyboss.net/login/csarltgr_162020
You may need to register for a new account. Payments through the portal are processed by Vantage (864-297-7661). Registration may take over two business days to confirm.
If you do not have online access, have difficulty with online options, or would like to avoid the 3rd party service fees, please mail a check payable to the name and address below including building and unit number.
Stoneridge Wells Branch POA
c/o CSA Management, Inc.
9011 Mountain Ridge Dr. Ste 200
Austin, TX 78759-7251"