Member Area

Older Stoneridge Wells Branch Newsletters can be found below.
Letter from CSA Management, Inc.:  "We would like to welcome you again to the CSA Management family.  We are excited for our partnership with the Stoneridge Wells Branch POA community! We look forward to building lasting relationships with residents and providing management services to the Association.
Our office prides itself on our friendly and knowledgeable staff who are available during office hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) to personally take your calls. Additionally, you can contact us with any questions or concerns by email at or by phone at 512-453-6566.
In the event of an emergency during non-office hours, please call (512) 453-6566. We look forward to serving your community in any way possible. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Assessments are currently $20.00 per month and increase to $25.00 per month effective January 1, 2024.  If your assessments are automatically paid by bill-pay through your financial institution, you will need to contact them to update your payment information..
Owner Portal (preferred):  To view your account online and make payments through the portal, please visit:
You may need to register for a new account.  Payments through the portal are processed by Vantage (864-297-7661).  Registration may take over two business days to confirm. 
If you do not have online access, have difficulty with online options, or would like to avoid the 3rd party service fees, please mail a check payable to the name and address below including building and unit number.
Stoneridge Wells Branch POA
c/o CSA Management, Inc.
9011 Mountain Ridge Dr. Ste 200
Austin, TX  78759-7251"
Zoom link to Board of Director Meetings -log into members only page for the Zoom meeting link and the agenda.  Meetings are usually on the third Monday of the month at 12:00 p.m. via Zoom link.  The Annual meeting will be held on May 13th via Zoom.  Homeowners may nominate directors prior to April 1st.  Ballots will be mailed to homeowners and available at a nominations committee member's house on Rose Pavonia.  Ballots may be dropped off at the same location.
Members Area - A Protected Section of the Website
In this website, most of the information is publicly available.  However, this section contains some pages that are restricted to members only.
This explanatory page is set to PUBLIC - anyone can see it. However, the Member Directory* and the Meetings* page (under the Members tab) each require log-in from an authorized member account (aka Stoneridge homeowner).
  • Each homeowner chooses what (if any) of their information displays in the Member Directory.
  • The Meetings page summarizes information on past and future meetings, including meeting login details.
Member Accounts & Communications
Each of the 135 properties has a primary account set up in this platform for access, communications, and voting (Level 1 User). 
See the Members Account page for more detail on accessing your account, recovering username or password, security, and more.
Notices of neighborhood events, crime watch alerts, meeting information, document posting, etc. will be sent through the website.   Only items required by law or deemed necessary by the Board to be sent by postal mail will be mailed. This enables us to reduce costs of copying and postage and to get information out more quickly. 
The Association Board Members and Officers are your neighbors who volunteer.  The goal is to serve the Stoneridge Community..  
  • Note the instructions for Architectural Change Requests were sent to all property owners and are posted here. The completed form is submitted to CSA Management, Inc.  Their portal is easy to use once you create your account in late October.  In the meantime, mail your ARF to them. 
Privacy and Security
Contact Details: Your contact details will be used only for association business and communications from the POA leadership and The Bishop Company. Contact information will not be shared with 3rd parties.
  • Member Directory: YOU choose what - if any - of your contact information displays in the directory that can be seen only by members who have logged in. 
    • We encourage you to at least show name, house #, street (that much is available to anyone who looks at the TCAD property records). 
  • Password Storage: For security reasons, this platform stores passwords in hashed form. This guards against the possibility that someone who gains unauthorized access to the database can retrieve the passwords of every user in the system. Hashing performs a one-way transformation on a password, turning the password into another value, called the hashed password. “One-way” means that it is harder to turn the hashed password back into the original password.
  • Password Transmission: The hashed password value is not encrypted before it is stored in the database. When a member submits the password using the login form, the password is sent in clear text to the server.  The website software takes the clear text password, performs a similar one-way hash and compares it to the database value. If the passwords match, then login is successful.
If you need assistance, please contact